Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thrift Store Finds.

Yesterday Mr. T told me that he was going to take a "quick nap" when he got home, so I wasn't in a huge hurry to get home. I thought I would be the nice wife and let him sleep a little. Well what is a girl to do?! I went to the resale shop that I have been wanting to go to and never have. I am so glad I went... I found me some treasures.

I am going to use this beauty in my guest bathroom.

This little guy is going to be super when I get done with him. Or I should say if the mental picture works out good. ;)

I am sure you have seen these all over blog land and I can't wait to transform these into something fabulous!

Well I have to get busy this evening. Mr. T is having to work late, so I am hoping to get a lot done since I don't have to cook dinner and all that jazz. Until we meet again, happy crafting!

"Happiness isn't found in things you possess, but in what you have the courage to release" Anonymous

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The Autocrat: Haley said...

OMG! I am jealous!! Especially of the tray!

The Autocrat: Haley said...

Did you link this up?

Mrs. Rooster said...

Love the shelf redo...I would have never thought to use it as a towel rack..Genius!